Scientists say: “A theory refers to a giant black hole. A black hole is like a press, material after being sucked and …
LAW Absorb Energy Metabolism
Lomonoxop Energy Conservation Law of Conservation is true for all fields of chemistry, physics, biology, and theology. …
Life On Earth
Life on earth people is mistook inanimate objects, but no! This is really a living body. Yijing says “Yijing have Too …
Role Of Trees
Trees suck carbon dioxide - have, or not release oxygen? It has been suggested that trees absorb carbon dioxide, …
How To Blow Air To Create Wind Through The Ground Valve (地 氣門) – Bermuda Triangle
The understanding of human beings in the past to the universe has many deficiencies, so before the complicated …
Orbits Earth, Sun – Sun, Earth Orbits
By moving the earth's orbit around the sun, scientists said "when far attractive, when near ejected" this thesis is …
Sun Distance – Earth
With a length of 40 076 km, the equator: 40.076 km Earth's diameter: The radius of the earth: The length …
Weather – Climate
Zodiac: is annual path of the Sun compare with Star clusters compared lying on the celestial equator make an angle 23 …
Cloud Charged – Lightning – Rain – Hail
The scientists explain that Lightning by the cloud yin yang (opposite) met born, but why have cloud an electric charge, …
Campaign Of The Moon
Moon also operate (gas injection) like the sun and the earth. Navel called the gas door Moon (月氣門) blowing gas from …
Science has known the gravity of the Moon, Earth created huge stream of water, but does not sufficiently explain the …
Tides EBB – Tide
The distance between the Moon, Earth each time in months create tides ebb-tide. - On 30, 1 calendar yin (dark) Moon …
Biochemistry Operation In The Soil, Oceans
Everybody knows chemical reactions produce hot: Right rather is reaction hot create condensation (LAW absorb energy …